Directions to Queen Mine Tours
Queen Mine Tours is located in the far southeast corner of Bisbee, Arizona
478 Dart Road, Bisbee, AZ 85603
Directions from Tucson or Douglas, Arizona are below.
Directions from Tucson - approximately 90 miles
Interstate 10 East to Exit 303, Highway 80 - Benson, Tombstone, Bisbee
Highway 80 east approximately 49 miles to Bisbee
After the tunnel, take the 2nd exit - Historic Old Bisbee exit. Exit right.
The Queen Mine Tour driveway entrance is 50 feet straight ahead. Parking is available at the tour.
Directions from Douglas - approximately 25 miles
Take Highway 80 West to traffic circle.
Stay to the right and continue on Highway 80 west, to Historic Old Bisbee Exit.
Exit to the right and take the first roadway to the left and circle under the highway.
The Queen Mine Tour driveway entrance is on the right. Limited parking is available at the tour.